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Mini Homesteader

Mental Health Affirmations with blue - 12 pack Paperless Towels

Mental Health Affirmations with blue - 12 pack Paperless Towels

Regular price $19.00 USD
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Introducing our new 12 pack of Paperless Towels, the eco-friendly solution for cleaning up spills and replacing wasteful paper towels.

This variety is made with 6 different prints, 6 solid blue.

Made from 100% cotton flannel, each cloth measures 10 in by 10 in and is machine washable and reusable.

Help save our forests and trees with this sustainable option. ♻️

In facts, switching to Reusable Paperless Towels can help reduce the 13 billion tons of paperless towels that are produced annually. For every 2,000 rolls of paper towel, production requires 17 trees to be cut down and harvested. The average household uses 145 rolls in a year. If every household in the U.S. used just one less 70-sheet roll of paper towels, that would save 544,000 trees each year.

Not to mention excessive waste that comes with using these single use napkins. Each year 254 million tons of paper towela are discarded. Making it the number one clogged drain issue in major cities. 

We know that paper towels definitely are needed in some situations. We just are here to bring awareness to reducing habits by opting for a more sustainable option. 

Our Paperless Towels are made with 100% cotton flannel. Otherwise known as cotton, a crop grown every year. Making it renewable and a much more sustainable option. 

Not to mention it comes in adorable prints! 

Each 12 pack comes with six solids and six prints. 

Care instructions:

  • Wipe up spills 
  • Toss in washer on cool 
  • Add 1/3 cup of vinegar (optional)
  • Dry on low heat 

Please note the first few uses of your paperless towels may seem low in the absorbency levels. After a few washes, the fibers will open up and absorption will increase.

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